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Edward Lear - the nonsense artist
Category: Plastic arts
Edward Lear (12 May 1812 � 29 January 1888) was a British artist, illustrator, author, and poet, renowned today primarily for his literary nonsense, in poetry and prose, and especially his limericks, a form that he popularised. Biography Lear was born into a middle-class family in the village of Holloway, the 21st child of Ann and Jeremiah Lear. He was raised by his eldest sister, also named Ann, 21 years his senior. Ann doted on Lear and continued to mother him until her death, when Lear was almost 50 years ... Read all >>
• by Global Art FusionLiterature as a teacher's best friend
Category: Literature
Literature. Quite a divisive word, that. Throw it through an open window into a room full of language teachers and most will dive behind furniture, fingers in their ears and looks of horror on their faces. A few, possibly, will greet its arrival amongst them with a squeak of delight and start playing with it like a favourite pet. A bit of an exaggeration? Not really. Most teachers of English as a foreign language will identify fairly readily with one group or the other, with those who would welcome the chance to... Read all >>
Category: Literature
On 13th of march, 100 years ago, in Bucharest, Mircea Eliade was born. �n copilărie părinţii i-au sărbătorit ziua pe 9 martie. Numelui său de botez nu �i corespundea nici unul din numele sfinţilor cuprinşI �n calendarul otodox, motiv pentru care familia a decis să-I serbeze ziua pe 9, dată la care au fost omor�ţI cei �40 Mucenici�, la Sevastia, �n cadrul persecuţiilor creştinilor din timpul ... Read all >>
• by Franco Volpi220 de ani de la aparitia primei gramatici in limba romana
Category: Culture mirror
The first Romanian Grammar had seen the light of the typography 220 years ago (in 1781), in the city from the Olt � at Ramnic. It belongs to the poet Ienachita Vacarescu and it was called: �Observations and Observatii or wariness on the rules and asupra regulilor si statutes of the romanian grammar, gathered now the first time by mr. Ianache Vacarescu� at year 1787, in the typography of the Holy Bishops of Ramnic. De Gheorghie sin popa Constandin tip Ramniceanul�. A doua editie a gramaticii este tiparita in acela... Read all >>
• by Costea MarinoiuEDUCAREA PRIN HAIKU
Category: Literature
Trăim �ntr-o lume grăbită, agitată, cu multe griji şi probleme, �ntrun secol bulversat, mereu �n alertă. Preocupaţi de ziua de m�ine, �n goana noastră după c�ştiguri marteriale, uităm adesea de sufletele noastre �nsetate de frumos, nu mai avem timp să ne aplecăm asupra cărţii, şi, din pacate, citim tot mai puţin, devenim mai insensibili la literatură, �n general, şi la poezie �n special. Calculatorul ... Read all >>
• by Adina EnăchescuPOEZII
Category: Literature
DIMINEAŢA LACRIMII � nu pl�nge!sărută-ţI privirea-n oglindă şI uită de focul ce-ţI arde destinul, răm�i printre ore ştirbite şI zv�ntă-ţI �n vorbe veninul� DIMINEAŢA G�NDULUI � g�nd sălbatic � abstractă nălucire � parcurge-mă aproape de privire,dă-mi dimineaţa să-I sorb tot �nceputul şI lasă-mă să-mi inventez trecutul departe, �n oglinzi�! ... Read all >>
• by Dan S�rbuNOUL R�MNIC
Category: Reality
�ncă din perioada claselor mele de liceu(1966-1970) ştiam de la orele de istorie, geografie sau socialism ştiinţific(?), că ceea ce desparţea R.S.R. de ţările capitaliste dezvoltate, printre altele, era diferenţa raportului dintre consumatori şi producători sau a celei ce rezulta din raportul numărului de locuitori de la sate şi oraşe. �n ţările societăţii de consum (cum erau botezate cele aparţin�nd vestului E... Read all >>
• by Petre Cichirdan